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The third aviation industry "pilot" academic forum was held in Tianjin


introduce: In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, firmly grasp the core position of innovation in the overall situation of my country's modernization construction, continuously stimulate

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, firmly grasp the core position of innovation in the overall situation of my country's modernization construction, continuously stimulate enthusiasm for academic exchanges, and enhance the academic exchange atmosphere, from September 14th to 15th, the third "Aviation Industry Conference" "Pilot" academic forum was held in Tianjin with the theme of "New Energy, New Configuration, New Transcendence - Development of Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft Technology". Wang Wenjun, Deputy Director of the Second Department of Equipment Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Yin Xiaofeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, Hao Zhaoping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and General Manager of the Aviation Industry, Yang Wei and Zhang Jichao, members of the Party Group and Deputy General Managers, Chief Engineer Zhu Qian attended the forum.
▲Hao Zhaoping delivered a speechanti drone laser system
Hao Zhaoping emphasized in his speech that since the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made the strategic deployment of "science and technology is the first productive force, talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force", and clearly proposed the goal of building a world of science and technology. The grand goal of a powerful nation. The aviation industry has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions, insisted on placing scientific and technological innovation at the core of the overall development of the group, and insisted on promoting high-quality development with high-level self-reliance and self-reliance in aviation science and technology.pneumatic catapult for UAV
Hao Zhaoping pointed out that the "Pilot" academic forum is an important measure for the aviation industry to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and implement the "30 Innovation Decisions" of the group party group. Focusing on the basic frontiers of aviation, cross-integration and strategic emerging technologies, it invites domestic It conducts extensive and in-depth academic exchanges with well-known foreign experts, chief technical experts in the aviation industry, and young scientific and technological innovation talents, aiming to promote high-efficiency collaborative innovation and high-level talent cultivation in the field of aviation scientific and technological innovation through high-quality academic exchanges.
▲Academician Luo Jianbin gave a report
This year's "Leading" academic forum has a main forum and three sub-forums. At the main forum, eight experts including Academician Luo Jianbin of Tsinghua University focused on the application of super-slip technology in the development of aviation equipment, the development of electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft, the sustainable development of the aviation emergency rescue system in the new era, and the internationalization of rotorcraft standards. Reports were given on topics such as development and future prospects, and exchanges were held with participants. In the sub-forum, 16 well-known experts and scholars gave keynote speeches focusing on electric drive technology and rotor technology. This year's "Pilot" academic forum also specially set up a sub-forum for the Youth Doctoral Association. 9 young doctors from units affiliated to the aviation industry discussed tail-seat vertical take-off and landing UAVs, urban air traffic, small tilting unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. share and conduct special discussions in various fields.
▲Zhang Jichao presided over the release of four international standards for rotary-wing UAVs
This "Pilot" academic forum also held a release ceremony for four international standards for rotary-wing UAVs. Zhang Jichao pointed out at the release ceremony that the standard internationalization work has become the focus and hot spot of competition in the world's rotary-wing UAV system field, and it is also an emerging advantageous technology in my country's aviation field. The four standards released this time are technologies in the field of my country's rotary-wing UAV field. The effective practice of transforming advantages into standard advantages is of great significance to promoting the high-quality development of my country's rotorcraft industry and improving the international competitiveness of my country's rotorcraft products.
▲Summary of Yang Weizuo Forum
Yang Wei made a comprehensive summary of the forum from aspects such as innovative atmosphere creation, super slippery technology, electric aviation, and standard construction. He said that since the "Leading" academic forum has been held for three years, it has insisted on building a platform for traction, communication and cooperation, allowing sharers to form new summaries and thoughts through sharing and exchanges in the forum, and at the same time promoting listeners to broaden their horizons and achieve success in their own fields. and the development of related fields, forming an atmosphere and culture that pays attention to science and technology and pragmatic innovation-driven development. This forum has a clear theme, rich content, and warm atmosphere. Experts and scholars share their unique understandings and insights. It is worthy of joint thinking and exploration by participants, especially focusing on the application of cutting-edge technology and vigorously promoting the development of electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft.
More than 300 people from relevant departments of the aviation industry headquarters, as well as representatives from 39 aviation industry affiliated units, 13 universities, research institutions and enterprises attended the forum.

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