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Hao Zhaoping, Li Qingtang and his delegation visited Gu Songfen, academician of the two academies


introduce: On the occasion of the 94th birthday of Gu Songfen, an academician of the two academies, on February 3, Hao Zhaoping, deputy secretary and general manager of the aviation industry party group, and Li Qingtang, deputy secretary of the party group, vi

On the occasion of the 94th birthday of Gu Songfen, an academician of the two academies, on February 3, Hao Zhaoping, deputy secretary and general manager of the aviation industry party group, and Li Qingtang, deputy secretary of the party group, visited academician Gu Songfen and his wife at home and sent birthday wishes.
▲Hao Zhaoping and Li Qingtang sent birthday wishes to Academician Gu Songfen
Academician Gu Songfen’s home is warm and welcoming. Hao Zhaoping and Li Qingtang presented flowers and the album "Archives Witness the New China Aviation Industry: Academician Gu Songfen" to Academician Gu Songfen, and expressed their sincere greetings and New Year blessings to him on behalf of 400,000 aviation people.
▲Academician Gu Songfen looks through the album
Hao Zhaoping asked about Academician Gu Songfen's health and daily life with concern, and urged the Aviation Industry Science and Technology Committee and other relevant units to continue to provide good services and protect the work and life of Academician Gu Songfen and his wife.
Subsequently, Hao Zhaoping conveyed to Academician Gu Songfen the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on inspecting the aviation industry Changfei, and reported on the development of the aviation industry in scientific and technological innovation, talent team building and other aspects in 2023 and the further strengthening of models in 2024. "System work and other related deployments.
"As my country's aviation strategic scientist, you actively provide advice and suggestions to the Party Central Committee. Many models currently developed depend on the foundation you laid back then and the important plans you proposed from the strategic level." Hao Zhaoping said that for more than 70 years, Academician Gu Songfen has participated , witnessed the development and growth of New China's aviation industry, made outstanding contributions to our country's aviation industry, and is a role model for us to learn from. The aviation industry party group has always attached great importance to the construction of talent teams and the development of science and technology, hoping to cultivate generations of leading scientific and technological talents, like Academician Gu Songfen, to lead the aviation industry to the peak of science and technology. It also hopes that Academician Gu Songfen will continue to pay attention to and support the construction of the aviation industry and lead We will continue to develop the aviation industry well.
Academician Gu Songfen listened carefully to the report and nodded from time to time. He sent an affectionate message to all aspects of scientific research in the aviation industry: "If we want to develop better, I'm waiting for new aircraft to come out!"
In a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere, everyone sat together with Academician Gu Songfen and looked through the album together. Each photo, each medal, and each page of archives demonstrates Academician Gu Songfen’s original mission to serve the country, his pioneering and innovative scientific spirit, and his noble character as a scholar and a human being. Everyone agreed that Academician Gu Songfen’s struggle will surely inspire more aviation people to take passionate strides in the new journey of building an aviation power in the new era.
Academician Gu Songfen is a renowned master of aircraft design in New China, one of the founders of New China's aviation science and technology, the founder of my country's aircraft aerodynamic design, a leader in my country's aviation science and technology, winner of the country's highest science and technology award, and a leader in my country's aviation industry. He is the only academician of the two academies and the first recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for Aviation Serving the Country in the aviation industry. He has always been committed to promoting the development of China's aviation science and technology. He innovatively designed the aerodynamic layout of multiple types of aircraft, established the new China's aircraft aerodynamic design system, and presided over the development of the J-8 and J-8 II supersonic fighters, pioneering my country's independent development of fighter aircraft. He established my country's fighter development system and made great contributions to the inter-generational upgrade and development of aviation weapons and equipment. He pays close attention to national strategic security and provides decision-making support for large aircraft to fly into the sky. He was loyal to the party and dedicated, trained a large number of leading aircraft design talents for the country, and made outstanding contributions to the development of the aviation industry in New China.
The general assistant-level executives of the aviation industry, as well as the main persons in charge of the aviation industry comprehensive management department, human resources department, science and technology and information technology department, party building and propaganda department, veteran cadres department, science and technology committee, and archives visited together.

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