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Aviation Industry Hongdu Holds 2023 Intensive Training Course for Trade union Cadres


introduce: From November 14 to 28, the centralized training course for trade union cadres of Aviation Industry Hongdu was held in Nanchang and Zunyi. Wu Lihua, the chairman of trade union of Hongdu Company, attended the opening ceremony and participa

From November 14 to 28, the centralized training course for trade unio cadres of Aviation Industry Hongdu was held in Nanchang and Zunyi. Wu Lihua, the chairman of trade unio of Hongdu Company, attended the opening ceremony and participated in the study, and the chairmen of trade unios of each unit and some full-time trade unio staffs of more than 40 people participated in the training.
At the opening ceremony, Wu Lihua encouraged the participating trade unio cadres:
To learn to cast the soul, build a firm foundation of faith. Further learn and use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a powerful ideological weapon, learn and realize the glorious history of the Party, deeply comprehend the decisive significance of the "two establishments", and constantly enhance the "four consciousnesses" and firmly establish the "four confidence". Four consciousness", "four self-confidence", "two maintenance", with practical action for the party's aviation cause of unremitting struggle.
To learn to increase wisdom, replenish the calcium of the spirit. Seize every opportunity to learn, learn what you see and hear into their own wisdom, for their own use, for the work, in order to comfortably cope with the new situation facing the new journey, in the work of grasping the first opportunity to win the initiative.
To learn the right style, adhere to the initial vector. To have a high standpoint, big pattern, to have talent, but also have the right spirit, and resolutely put an end to formalism, bureaucratic style.
To learn to promote work, fill the oil of practical work. To think more about how to combine what we have learned to make a difference, and maximize the role of "for the party and government to share the worries of the workers to solve the problems".
Training to "cohesion and soul with the party, unity and struggle for a new journey" as the theme, to take the form of theoretical training + on-site teaching, opened the "labor law, labor contract law, the interpretation of laws and regulations related to work-related injuries," "the process of reform and development in the new era of the peace building work," "the use of trade unio funds to explain," "trade unio organization," "the spirit of the Zunyi Conference and Spirit of Zunyi Conference" "Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the 20th Party Congress" and other courses, inviting experts from Jiangxi Provincial Party School, Jiangxi Normal University, Zunyi Cadre College and other colleges and universities to give lectures, both in terms of theoretical knowledge explanation and sharing of practical experience, with a view to improving the party spirit of trade unio cadres at all levels of Hongdu Company, and further enhancing how to do a good job of trade unio work in the new era and the new course of the new era.
The training course also went to Zunyi to carry out on-site experiential teaching, successively visited Zunyi meeting site, Red Army Mountain, Loushan Pass, Sidu Chishui crossing, Gouba meeting site, etc., remembered the martyrs, renewed the oath of joining the Party, and deeply understood the essence of Zunyi Conference spirit of "firm belief, adherence to truth, independence, unity and solidarity".
Participants have expressed that they will take this training as a new starting point, apply what they have learned, constantly improve the level of service to workers, and do a good job in the new era and new journey of trade unio work.
Training testimonials:
The road is as strong as iron, and now the steps from the beginning to cross. Through the trade unio cadres Zunyi meeting site on-site teaching activities, so that I have a deeper understanding of the historical significance of the Zunyi meeting and the significance of reality and comprehension. The new era gives us a new mission, for which we must get back on the road, feel the thousands of mountains and rivers, feel the wind, frost and snow, and finally realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Zhang Zijian)
Reflecting on the exploration, rising up in the desperate situation, pioneering in the challenge, feeling the spirit of the old revolutionaries in exploring the revolutionary path of wickerwork, plying with the wind and rain, and drawing wisdom and strength from it to help promote the high-quality development of the trade unio work of Compound Material Factory. (Ruan Yan)
The red trip to Zunyi let me revisit the revolutionary history, and personally feel the patriotism of the generals and soldiers in the face of danger and heroism, it is their courage to bear the responsibility, in exchange for the present peaceful era, there is now a better life for the masses of people, we have to respond to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping, one generation after another to do, and everyone contributes to the country! (Qian Chengxia)
This training has further strengthened my ideals and beliefs, realized the spirit of the revolution, expanded my vision and knowledge, and injected a strong impetus to better carry out the work of the masses. In the future work, I will further increase the initiative, the masses of workers in the heart, closely united around the party, for the cohesion of the party to do a good job as a bridge to play an active role. (He Guochan)
On this red trip to Zunyi, my mind was touched and my heart was baptized. As a grass-roots trade unioists, I will always adhere to the leadership of the Party, study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade unio, keep abreast of the times, keep the right and innovative, closely around the unit of high-quality development needs and the expectations of the masses of workers, and creatively carry out the work, and constantly enhance the leadership of the trade unio organization, organizational strength, service power. (Xiao Weihua)
Trade unios are the mother's family of workers, is the link and bridge to the masses of workers, this training is not only a baptism of the soul, but also the sublimation of my understanding of the work of trade unios. In my future work, I will continue to carry forward the spirit of the Zunyi Conference, utilize the valuable experience of the Zunyi Conference, and do a good job in trade unio work with practical actions. (Huang Junyi)

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