产品 1
Artificial rain with drone is a new working mode. The drone system is equipped with sowing system, which can directly enter the cloud to sow. The max payload of drone is 50 kg and its effective flight time is 125 to 250 minutes.The drone adopts rocket assisted launch and parachute recovery, without airport or special site requirements.Compared with the past means of air shooting and man-machine, drone has the advantages of high flying altitude, long operation time and strong ability to cope with complex weather. Post-seeding will be simpler, cheaper and safer.
Two Catalysts
At present, artificial rainfall in China mainly uses two kinds of catalysts: one is dry ice, which cools the surrounding air layer to minus dozens of degrees Celsius during vaporization, thus causing the condensation of water droplets; The second type is silver iodide, "rain" ability first-class. Dry ice is carbon dioxide. Silver iodide, as a chemical, is extremely low toxic. Plus silver iodide is so efficient at making ice crystals that it usually takes only a few dozen grams or a few dozen grams to create a single cloud, and the amount is negligible, so there is no pollution.
最大平飞速度(海平面): 180km/h
巡航速度(海拔2000m): 140km/h
实用升限: 5000m
续航时间: 10h
最大起飞重量: 320kg
任务载荷: 50kg
控制距离: 200km
起降方式: 火箭助推发射、伞降回收
机长: 4273mm
翼展: 7500mm
无人机降雨是一种全新的作业模式,无人机系统搭载机载播撒系统,可直接进入云层中播撒作业。 无人机最大荷载50公斤,每次飞行的有效时间达到125至250分钟,采用火箭助推发射、伞降回收方式,无需机场或特殊场地要求。相比过去的对空射击、有人机等手段,无人机增雨具有飞行高度高、作业时间长,应对复杂天气能力强等优点。后人工增雨的方式将会更加简单,成本更低更安全。
Test initiation ceremony
Install flame
Pre-departure preparation
Drone take off moment (rocket boost)
The moment the drone lands
The general manager of the company was interviewed