There are two launching and recovery methods for small long-endurance fixed-wing uav. One is to increase the landing gear and take-off and landing autonomously by sliding way. The second is to adopt pneumatic ejection and skyhook recovery, which can achieve flexible deployment and precise fixed-point recovery. The drone platform adopts highly efficient pneumatic layout and heavy oil engine, with excellent endurance performance, and can carry out combat missions throughout the day .The system is able to adapt to harsh natural environment by carrying a variety of mission loads such as photoelectric/infrared/synthetic aperture radar, and has the capability of acquiring reflective, pseudo, all-weather and multi-system intelligence
Body length : 2.4 m
Max Take-off weight : 35 kg
Wingspan : 3.3 m
Max mission payload : 5 k
Max level flight speed: 150 km/h
Cruising speed :90-120 km/h
Practical ceiling : 5000 m
Max endurance: 24 h
Anti-wind ability: level 6
Launching and recovery mode : ejection take-off and skyhook recovery
Measurement and control radius : 40 km
Image transmission distance: 150 km